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Seeking Help From a Fertility Specialist At The Right Time

You may have a number of questions regarding your journey to become happy parents. As the entire process comes along a lot of physical and emotional complex factors, you want to set everything right to sail through the journey.

The journey towards becoming parents may not be the same for all individuals and you are not alone who go through fertility problems. Yes, sometimes fertility issues act as obstacles in having a child.

Today with advancement in medical science, you don’t have to worry as fertility specialist working in one of the best fertility clinic in Punjab or any other city you reside in would help you out with treatment plan that suit you when you are ready to extend your family.

What does Infertility mean?

Infertility can be explained as a health problem wherein a woman below 35 years of age fails to conceive after 12 months of unprotected and regular sexual intercourse (6 months in case of women older than 35) or not able to conceive because of an impairment.

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What causes infertility issues in females

Mainly couples who fail to conceive naturally have infertility issues in their family history which is directly related to a number of conditions responsible for infertility like

  1. Age
  2. Absent/irregular periods
  3. Painful periods
  4. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS)
  5. 2 or more cases of miscarriage in the past
  6. Endometriosis
  7. Ovulation problems
  8. Uterus abnormalities  or abnormalities in ovaries or fallopian tubes

Right information for patients

When you seek guidance from fertility specialist in most fertility clinics in Punjab or nearby clinic in your city, the doctors will help you get a plenty of information about the treatment that can help you fight infertility issues. The doctors will help you understand the stages of treatment that would be included in the treatment plan.

The doctors know that undergoing infertility treatment has a lot of emotions attached to it.

With the help of medical staff, fertility specialist examine the medical condition of their patients so that they can assist them to understand about their fertility problems and how it can be treated to help them become parents.

Treatment options offered in fertility clinics are

  1. IUI (Intrauterine Insemination)
  2. Fertility medication with intercourse
  3. Surgery
  4. Fertility drugs combined with IUI
  5. Fertility drugs with IVF(In Vitro Fertilization)

With proper treatment and specialist’s guidance you can overcome infertility issues easily.